Review: Almost Super by Marion Jensen

f1e07-almostsuperTitle: Almost Super

Author: Marion Jensen

Publisher: HarperCollins

Pub. Date: January 23, 2014

Genre: Middle Grade

Rec. Age Level: 8-12

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Rafter and Benny Bailey have been waiting for this day, February 29th, since the moment they learned their family was made up of superheroes. The moment the clock hits 4:23pm, Benny and Rafter’s lives will forever change as they inherit the superpowers that will allow them to protect their city from the villainous Johnsons. their dreams take a nosedive, however, when the boys end up with rather useless powers, crushing their dreams of supersuits and heroics.

After an encounter with classmate and nemesis Juanita Johnson, they learn Juanita was also unlucky in the power department. To top it off, their conversations with Juanita brings new truths to light and challenges everything the boys believe in. They’re forced to ask: which family is the real threat to their town? The Johnsons…? The Baileys…? Or someone else entirely?

I can’t stop talking about Marion Jensen’s debut, ALMOST SUPER. Hilarious and packed with unforgettable characters, this book has immediately found a place in my heart and, best of all, into my everyday life. After telling various people about the book and the obligatory fist shake by the Bailey’s upon mentioning the Johnsons, we’ve developed a bit of a habit of blaming the Johnsons when things go wrong, accompanied, of course, with a fist shake. But ALMOST SUPER reminds readers that first impressions and secondhand accounts aren’t always the best source of information and, perhaps, the Johnsons aren’t truly the rightful recipients of our blame.

A fantastic adventure with a great message about the true meaning of bravery and heroics, ALMOST SUPER is a must read!

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